The best way to use the credit card is to take advantage of interest-free credit days, accumulate reward points, review your spending from the statement, pay on time and full outstanding. Using a credit card is discipline, loyalty, and power. Spending money is always the fun part and paying it back is the most boring. What if the bill paying is also fun and rewarding. Yes, you can get reward points even for paying your credit card bills. What is CRED app? CRED is a members-only app which rewards you with exclusive rewards for paying your credit card bill. The most rewarding credit card payment app ever in India. You can download the app and apply to be a member. CRED background It’s founded by Kunal Shah, founder of freecharge which was also a loyalty reward platform for bill payments. CRED had secured $30M in funding and has a 50+ strong team.
The collection of credit card, debit card, mobile wallet and airport lounge reviews in India. We help you pick the best credit card in India. All the reviews are hands-on and unbaised.